

  • Immerse yourself in comprehensive ISO market data.
  • Discover the best opportunities using visual analysis tools.
  • Analyze market drivers most impactful to your business.
  • Plan for the unexpected to ensure profitability and reliability.
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  • Monitor ISO markets in real-time.
  • Configure an unlimited number of custom dashboards.
  • Create hundreds of key market indicators.
  • Keep up with critical events via custom alerts.
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  • Expand your analyses with full access to robust, comprehensive, engineered, secure Yes Energy® data.
  • Choose from secure API, Cloud, and Lake technologies.
  • Scale your business with access to increased data volumes and automated processes.
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Live Power Solutions Image


  • See online/offline dispatchable capacity and output.
  • See inter-zone transmission flows.
  • See renewable production on the geographic “edges” of the market.
  • See sudden plant and line outages.
  • Capture today’s grid flows.
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energy demand forecasting software for informed power market decisions
TESLA dark (resized)


  • Leverage highly accurate energy demand forecasting software using an econometric model that is constantly tuned by a team of data analysts.
  • Receive support from the analysts that manage the forecast to understand the why behind the forecast.
  • Gain access to highly accurate, reliable wholesale, grid, and utility-level forecasts within Yes Energy’s intuitive tools.
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  • Produce market price forecasts, analyze generation and transmission development, and make optimal power supply decisions.
  • Data setup and reporting is simple and intuitive.
  • Model outputs have a higher level of resilience because they factor in ancillary services in modeling.
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What our customers are saying...

"With increased renewable penetration, growing demand from data centers, and the prevalence of extreme weather events, utility professionals need a comprehensive view of market dynamics in order to understand how these variables might affect their assets, bidding strategies and customers."

Greg Toothaker
Director, Product Strategy

Read our Energy Transition eBook


What Are All These New Batteries Doing? Using Data to Understand Plant-Level Battery Operations
What Are All These New Batteries Doing? Using Data to Understand Plant-Level Battery Operations

What Are All These New Batteries Doing? Using Data to Understand Plant-Level Battery Operations

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TESLA California Energy Demand Forecast Accuracy Shines During Holiday and Heat Wave
TESLA California Energy Demand Forecast Accuracy Shines During Holiday and Heat Wave

TESLA California Energy Demand Forecast Accuracy Shines During Holiday and Heat Wave

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What You Need to Know about FERC Order 1920
What You Need to Know about FERC Order 1920

What You Need to Know about FERC Order 1920

Jul 10, 2024