
Power Market Simulation Software for an Evolving Field. 

EnCompass Power Market Simulation Software_IRP Capacity Report

Power Market Simulation Software for an Evolving Field

EnCompass is a software solution that helps you produce market price forecasts, analyze generation and transmission development, and make optimal power supply decisions in the transitioning power grid. EnCompass comprehensively evaluates new technologies for decarbonization and sustainability while maintaining reliability.

EnCompass is the software of choice for making optimal power supply decisions from short-term scheduling and trading to long-term capital investment. This is the only power market simulation software you need for all facets of power planning and forecasting. It combines power plants and complex contracts’ full operational detail with the ability to simplify and relax constraints for long-term simulations.


  • Create multiple scenarios using shared datasets, with scenarios grouped into structured folders that make it easy to set capital projects, outage dates, and initial conditions based on prior simulations.
  • EnCompass software was designed with the analyst in mind, making data setup and reporting simple and intuitive.
  • Perform a full optimization of all resources within a market or utility control center enforcing transmission limits and a complete set of operating costs and real-world constraints.
  • Model outputs have a higher level of resilience because they factor in ancillary services in modeling and decision making.
  • We help our capacity expansion clients set up the software using their own data.
EnCompass Power Market Simulation Software_Environmental Programs Report
EnCompass Software_Solar Capital Costs


Traditional long-term planning models are often overly simplistic and ignore ancillary services, ramp rates, and startup costs. Most short-term models are data-intensive, making it difficult to manage scenarios and uncertainties around prices, demand, and availability. EnCompass overcomes these drawbacks by combining an extensible Time Series data model with performance options for managing runtime and complexity, while always maintaining chronological constraints.

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“Yes Energy is an awesome company; extremely customer focused and committed to continuous improvement!”

“The team knows their product well and the industry knowledge they bring truly makes them a partner. Anytime we have an issue or suggestion, they have either found a solution or implemented a solution in a version release.”

EnCompass Customer


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